This game is very fun! I was an actual MESS trying to run away from all the creatures, especially on my last round. It's a little glitchy on Newgrounds itself-- for me what I've encountered is the player's POV would shift to the right without me moving anything, and there was also a delay between loading cutscenes (it would linger on the BRB screen for a little bit as the new cutscene music played then kinda just be fine after). This is ONLY on Newgrounds for me, though. Downloading the game, those issues are not present but only one time when I clicked out would it not let me move the camera, but I feel like holding right click helped. Don't know if some of this is stuff on my end or graphics but regardless I had so much fun. I hope to see more of you guys' work! And I SEE U WITH THAT GODOT!!!!!! WOOOOO!